In addition to International Commerce Terms, we have included abbreviations to many terms used in our reports. If you encounter any other terms or abbreviations that require clarification please contact us as this list is not exhaustive.

Commercial Terms

EXW – Ex Works — Title and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation and insurance cost from the seller’s door.

FCA – Free Carrier — Title and risk pass to buyer including transportation and insurance cost when the seller delivers goods cleared for export to the carrier. Seller is obligated to load the goods on the Buyer’s collecting vehicle; it is the Buyer’s obligation to receive the Seller’s arriving vehicle unloaded.

FAS – Free Alongside Ship — Title and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation and insurance cost once delivered alongside ship by the seller. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation. The export clearance obligation rests with the seller.

FOBFree On Board and risk pass to buyer including payment of all transportation and insurance cost once delivered on board the ship by the seller. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

CFRCost and Freight — Title, risk and insurance cost pass to buyer when delivered on board the ship by seller who pays the transportation cost to the destination port. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

CIF – Cost, Insurance and Freight — Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered on board the ship by seller who pays transportation and insurance cost to destination port. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

CPT – Carriage Paid To — Title, risk and insurance cost pass to buyer when delivered to carrier by seller who pays transportation cost to destination. Used for any mode of transportation.

CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid To — Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered to carrier by seller who pays transportation and insurance cost to destination. Used for any mode of transportation.

DAF – Delivered at Frontier — Title, risk and responsibility for import clearance pass to buyer when delivered to named border point by seller. Used for any mode of transportation.

DES – Delivered Ex Ship — Title, risk, responsibility for vessel discharge and import clearance pass to buyer when seller delivers goods on board the ship to destination port. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

DEQ – Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid) — Title and risk pass to buyer when delivered on board the ship at the destination point by the seller who delivers goods on dock at destination point cleared for import. Used for sea or inland waterway transportation. DDU – Delivered Duty Unpaid — Title, risk and responsibility of import clearance pass to buyer when seller delivers goods to named destination point. Used for any mode of transportation. Buyer is obligated for import clearance.

DDU – Delivered Duty Unpaid — Seller fulfills his obligation when goods have been made available at teh named place in the country of importation.

DDP – Delivered Duty Paid — Title and risk pass to buyer when seller delivers goods to named destination point cleared for import. Used for any mode of transportation.
Note: EXW, CPT, CIP, DAF, DDU and DDP are commonly used for any mode of transportation. FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, DES, and DEQ are used for sea and inland waterway.

(for more information see ICC Publishing, Inc., 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010)


ARA – Amsterdam, Rotterdam, or Antwerp
CIS – Commonwealth of Independent States
CMP – China Main Port
E. CAN – Eastern Canada
FSU – Former Soviet Union
Med – Mediterranean
N.E. Asia – North East Asia
NYH – New York Harbor
NWE – Northwest Europe

Rdam – Rotterdam
S.E. Asia – Southeast Asia
S. LA – South Louisiana
Spore – Singapore
USEC – U.S. East Coast
USG – U.S. Gulf
USWC – U.S. West Coast
W. CAN – Western Canada>

Units of Measurements

Bbl – Barrel
Gal – Gallon
Kg – Kilogram
Lb – Pounds
MMBtu – Millions of British Thermal Units
MT – Metric Tonne (1,000 kg)
MT/Year – Metric Tonne per year

Other Abbreviations

1H – First Half (of a month)
2H – Second Half (of a month)
Cat Change – Catalyst Change
CP – Contract Price
DEG – Di-ethyelene Glycol
EGAF – Ethylene Glycol Antifreeze Grade
EGF – Ethylene Glycol Fiber Grade
EGI – Ethylene Glycol Industrial Grade
MTBE – Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MPG – Mono propylene glycol
NYMEX – New York Mercantile Exchange
PGI – Propylene glycol industrial grade
PGUSP – Propylene glycol US Pharmaceutical Grade
RR – Reduced rates
T1 – Products made outside the EU, often subject to duty
T2 – Products made within the EU not subject to duty
TEG – Tri-ethylene Glycol
T/R – Turnaround
TVA – Temporary Voluntary Allowance
USP – U.S. Pharmaceutical Grade